See you soon

Let’s face it, Waco is no Paris or New York.  However, against all odds, this town has wormed its way into my heart over the past year.   It has proved to me that we are capable of finding joy wherever we are.  Here are a few things that I will miss about Waco over summer:

^The best iHop in the world^

 ^Thrift shops that would impress even Macklemore^

^Architecture that was most likely inspired by an insane asylum^

^Southern class and lady-like behavior^

^Real southern gentlemen^

^Beautiful days at Cameron Park^ 

^Precious little ones to love^

^Easy access to French fries^

^An appreciation for good television^

^Collins chocolate chip cookies^

^People who are hard to say goodbye to^



1. A person who preforms duties for others

In this world, helping others is scary.   The bible calls us to be "servants", but by doing this, we become vulnerable.  I've learned the hard way that people can often confuse compassion and service with weakness.  It stings that there have been times when I had to second guess showing kindness because I was afraid it would give others too much power over me.  I don't want to fear this- Our God sent his only son down to earth not to be served, but to serve others (Mark 10:44-45 ).  He redefines the word, "servant" by replacing its association with slaves and masters with beloved brothers and sisters.   He washed the feet of his disciples (pre-showers and pedicures, AH!) and committed his life to healing others.  When I remember this selflessness, I am so honored that he has given ME the tools to further his kingdom and reminded of how I can be more like him.  

I want to humble myself by placing others above my own selfish needs.  I want to purely serve others without desiring recognition for my actions.  Most of all, I want to be brave enough to serve people and not worry about whether or not they understand why I am doing it.  I want to be confident enough to continue to give even when I know someone doesn't necessarily deserve it by this world's standards.  I want to serve people- not because it's easy but because I will be utterly inconvenienced and uncomfortable for the sake of someone else.  I want to allow people to take advantage of me.  I want to continue to love on people, even when they believe they are getting away with using me.  Because as a follower of Christ, I know he is the only one who has the ability to use me.   

“Use your freedom to serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13)    

^ Shout out to this sexy momma of mine.  You show me everyday what it looks like to have a servant's heart and I absolutely adore you.


Pizza Hut Tuesdays

This week was never ending and I can't remember a time when I've ever felt this tired in my life.  Sometimes I'm just about ready to call it quits and take a nap but then I remember how good this life is and how I don't want to miss a minute by sleeping through it.  So, here's to being loopy weird and making life long friends cuz of it.  
Also, I had the best February 26th. 
^^hugging cookie dough^^

6 Months

I should be studying for my huge Business test, but instead I feel inspired to write about today.  This morning started off as most do- with an alarm.  However, I wouldn't be telling you the whole truth if I didn't mention that it was a fire alarm.  And that I set it off, whoopsi.  Guess who forgot to put water in their oatmeal bowl and popped that sucker in the microwave for 1:30?  Ya, that was me NoRo gals.  Luckily, the alarm only went off in my room and zero residents evacuated.  Also, a police officer was there within a lengthy half an hour to deal with what could have been a fire that burned down the entire building.  It is good to know that Baylor is well prepared in case there is a real emergency sometime soon ;)  

Setting off alarms wasn't the only thing I accomplished today.  Monday, February 18th officially marks six months since my first weekend at Baylor.  The first month of school is a big blur to me (mostly because I try to suppress it) but I'm pretty sure 98% of it was spent wishing I was at home.  However, there are a few things, or people who stand out to me.  This weekend marks six months since the first time I ate at a Texas Ihop, made real friends at school (and kept them, yay!!!), prayed vulnerably out loud with friends, went to a sketchy Waco tattoo parlor, and felt true joy at Baylor.  Now, exactly six months later, HB, someone who is a HUGE part of the home I love so much, finally got to meet the people who have made Waco a second home for me to love. Throughout my time in Texas, I have struggled with the trying to rationalize these two polar-opposite worlds I am living in and it seems so perfect to me that HB's visit would fall on such a significant date. The timing of my two world's colliding is not lost on me and as I said goodbye to my precious friend this afternoon I finally felt my two homes connect.  I am filled with peace.    

Saturday, August 18th 2012

I am amazed by the Lord's plans as I think about how perfectly he orchestrated the events of this day  and led me straight to Hannah, Julia, Michelle, and Lily.  I love y'all in ways that words can't do justice. 
Happy friennaversary!

Thankful Tonight

During high school, a club at my school hosted an event called PostSecret Night and invited all of us prisoners  students to participate.  The concept of PostSecret is to create a handmade post card with a secret on it and mail it into an organization. The organization then anonymously posts them on their website.  The secrets come from all over the world and eventually create this awesome online art project.  Some are funny, some are awkward, and some are serious.  The picture above was taken of the post card I created during my senior year.  I feel like this so perfectly describes the way I aimlessly floated through my high school years maintaining the undeserved image of a "good girl".  Looking back, I did a lot of the right things for the wrong reasons (none of them being my faith).  I came across this picture the other day and was reminded of how much my life has changed since coming to Baylor University.  I found myself overwhelmed with thankfulness for this wonderful school and the advantages of living in a place where so many people know Jesus and hold me accountable to honor him with my choices.  I have been blessed with wise mentors, friends, and family who have poured into me and shown me how I can make my decisions for Him with the purpose of furthering the kingdom.  

  Looking back, I see this incredibly lost little girl.  Today I look into the mirror and see a girl who is still (unfortunately) little, but has much more of the clarity she always desired. At the same time, I am humbled by the realization that any heart can change in such a short span of time.  It is impossible to even fathom how much I have left to learn and I am SO excited for this.  

PS- Check out ------>